After the deadline for spontaneous adaptation of the furniture companies to the labor legislation and other regulatory norms, inspections of the Ministry of Labor and Employment will start on September 1, through Sitracom provided for in the Notification issued in a Public Hearing held in May. Sindmóveis will support its members through Vitaseg, the company hired by the association specifically for monitoring the inspections. Companies that do not comply with the regulations will be notified and will have time to adjust and may subsequently be fined or even be subject to a Civil Action, in case of noncompliance.
The goal is to reduce the number of accidents at work and occupational diseases actually registered in the furniture industry. The number of cases has been reduced in the sector in recent years, but the intention is to completely eradicate the problem. Currently, the furniture center of Bento Gonçalves has nearly 300 manufacturing companies and creates more than nine thousand direct jobs.


Publicado em: 2014-08-27

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