Sindmóveis has officially announced the judging panel for the next edition of Salão Design, with the theme The New Brazil Wants Your Design, focusing on the new Brazilian middle class. The jury will consist of outstanding professionals in the national and international design market who stand out for their importance in the sector. One of the evaluation criteria will be whether the project meets the demands and the appropriate size for the housing of this consumer. The award winners will have their projects displayed at Movelsul Brasil, from March 26-30 next year, in Bento Gonçalves (RS).   Check out the list of judges:     Ademir Bueno (São Paulo) – Trend and design manager at Tok & Stok  since 1987. Renowned as a great supporter of new talents, he has participated as a judge in several design competitions around the country.     Ivens Fontoura (Paraná) – Designer and museologist.  College professor who organized and coordinated the first postgraduate course in furniture design in Brazil. Past president of the National Association of Designers and the Latin American Design Association.     Pedro Moog (Rio de Janeiro) – Business partner at Lattog Design, in Rio de Janeiro. He has a great number of architectural projects, paintings, drawings and sculptures in addition to his work with furniture. Gabriel Simón Sol (Mexico) – Founding member of the Industrial Designers Association of Mexico, he is a professor at the Ibero-American University, at the  Ibero-American Autonomous University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has been a judge in leading design competitions in Latin America.     Tiago Zanotto (Bento Gonçalves) – Designer and project director of Unt Intelligence Design, in Bento Gonçalves (RS)


Publicado em: 2011-11-21

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